Thursday, February 23, 2017

23 February commemorative day

Ever since I saw cards for a February 23 event, I wondered what it was.
Turns out it's a holiday that has morphed from Red Army Day (Soviet era) to Tajik Armed Forces Day, to Men's Day (cf March 8, Women's Day).
In this culture, every day is probably men's day, but card and gift companies are always looking for a chance to sell something, right? The military aspect of the day is prominent in the many banners and signs that I've seen around the city for a week or so.
Speaking of business opportunities, the banner and sign manufacturing and hanging businesses must be booming here.
"Congratulations on the national army holiday dear compatriots"
But here are some photos to emphasize the Men's Day aspect of Feb 23--three generations of Dushanbe men:

I think this banner reads, "national army--power of the state"
I had been hoping to be out on Feb 23 to see what actually happens--a parade? But alas, I was laid low by some intestinal bug, and spend the whole day at home.

One thing that happened was that our phone company sent Lee a message, and google translate actually worked:

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