Sunday, March 5, 2017

Hiking near Zimchurud

An intrepid Tajik entrepreneur, Julia, organizes hikes most Sundays. Today, with beautiful weather, Lee and I decided to join the group. We met at a corner in Dushanbe, got into the vans Julia had arranged for, and took off. Today's hike was up the Varzob Valley to a village called Zimchurud.
We soon passed the summer homes of wealthy Dushanbe folk and the cottages of local shepherds.
We followed the stream and climbed up a valley (or canyon as we'd call it in California).
There were lots stream crossings--time to leap across with the help of our guides, or an opportunity to take off one's shoes and wade ("the cold is supposed to build your immunity," said Julia), or a chance to fall in (poor Lee).
When we got to a nice flat spot, we had a snack break.
Our companions included the American ambassador, the deputy ambassador from the U.K., country manager of World Bank in Tajikistan, someone who works for the OSCE, a German geologist training locals, and many other interesting and friendly people.

After our break it was time for interested people to climb up a bit higher.
We were rewarded with beautiful views both up and down the canyon:

Besides keeping my eyes up for the views, I was looking down at wildflowers--crocuses, and miniature irises.

Then it was time to head back down, with a final look back:
and a minute to appreciate the beauty of God's creation in front of us:

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