Monday, February 6, 2017

Conference in Tashkent

I was invited to Tashkent for two reasons. First, I participated in the mid-year conference for English Language Fellows spending a year in four Central Asian nations, speaking first about post-EFL career possibilities, and then responding to their questions about teaching challenges they've been facing.
 How inspiring to spend time with these great teachers!
 And my voice held out for those six hours! Thankful!

Secondly, I participated in a conference called "English is Key to Dialogue," planned by a variety of Uzbek organizations interested in TESOL and held at the Uzbekistan State World Languages University. I gave a plenary talk:
and another presentation (which had some audience interaction):

I enjoyed attending local teachers' presentations and seeing the university campus. For more about my take on the conference, take a look at my professional facebook page, @tesoltrainer, Dr. Kitty Purgason.

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